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T R U E  S T O R I E S  W E L L  T O L D


Film | Documentary | Crime | Creative Development 

About Marks & die Engel Media GmbH

Marks und die Engel Media GmbH  ist eine Fullproduction Company mit Standort Berlin. Unser Focus liegt auf  Real Crime Stories von der Konzept-Entwicklung bis zum Final Cut.

Marks & die Engel Media GmbH is a full production company

based in Berlin. We focus on real crime stories. From creative concepts until the final cut.


Film | Documentary | Crime | Creative Development 

Our Services

Kreative Konzeptentwicklung, Dokumentionen, Reportagen, Imagefilm, Interviews, Recherchen 

Creative concepts development, documentary, reportage, imagefilm, interview, research, 

Anker 1

Film | Documentary | Crime | Creative Development 

Some Clients

ZDF, ZDF info, WDR, MDR, RTL, RTL2, VOX, PRO 7, SAT 1, Kabel 1,

n-tv, Bild, SF, Oxygen, Servus TV

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